Welcome PackChilds Entry Record 2022Application formImage Consentparent contractParents permissions formPrivacy notice - 2019All About MeNew starter checklist Price list 2021 Policies & Procedures 1.1 Children's rights1.2 safeguarding policy1.2a mobiles & camera use1.3 looked after children1.4 uncollected child1.5 missing child2.1 employment2.2 students3.1 induction of staff3.2 first aid4.1 key person5.1 ratios6.1 administering meds 6.2 managing allergies and sickness 206.3 incidents 206.4 nappy changing 206.4 nappy changing 206.5 food and drink 206.6 food hygiene 20207.1 behaviour 20208.1 health and safety general standards 208.2 children's safety 208.3 supervision of children on outings and walks 208.4 Risk Assessment Policy 20 8.5 fire safety 208.6 animals in setting 208.7 no smoking 209.1 valuing diversity 209.2 SEN 202010.2 admissions 2010.5 parental involvement 2010.6 childs records 2010.7 provider records 2010.8 transfer of records 2010.9 confidentiality and access to records 20 10.10 information sharing 2010.11 working in partnership with other agencies 20child absence policy 2020e-safety policy 2020fee payment policy 2020kidzone and holiday club behaviour policy 20kidzone and holiday club bullying policy 20lone working policy 2020no shoe policy 2020 sleep policy 2020sun care policy 2020tooth brushing policy 2020transition policy 2020